Thursday 22 August 2019

WST Hui- 22/08/19

WST hui today. Kaytlin Walters spoke about GISINTs journey for the WSTs. Their focus area was writing. 
Write Your Essay- PLD with GBHS- Funding through MOE. 
Need to spend some time with Kaytlin to see what writing looks like at 

What can we do for our school?
What are our needs and what can we do to support teachers to lift achievement for our tamariki?

GGHS- numeracy focus- started with growth mindset and then went across the school to look at what numeracy looked like in different curriculum areas.

Project looking at language used (common) for numeracy across curriculum. 

Ormond School- growing teacher capability in Maths to support our teachers to support learners. 

76% at or above. Gather data and tracked students. Tier supports and faces to data wall. A4L  PLD- graduate profiles with benchmarks at years 2/4/6. FLAX learner. 

KEYNOTE SPEAKER:  Jason Whitelaw.


More based on attitude/culture
Fixed Mindset
They make little time of new ideas
Give up easily
Think negatively
Find problems in everything

Growth Mindset
New opportunities
Celebrate success
Develop themselves
Ask is there a better way

Reflections- innovation, competition, motivation, an element of failure. As soon as he said he was timing, energy levels rose. 

"That time this team finished in 8 seconds"  He never said it was a competition.
Times improved as energy levels went up. 

If one team member says NO DON'T CHANGE and didn't want to try new ideas, the team time will not change.

When people adopt a growth mindset, they remove the glass ceiling.

Develop your Growth Mindset:

Perspective- Choose the Best Frame

Your perspective is your truth. 
We don't see things as the way they are, we see them as we are.

experience +perspective = result.

How do you coach people through a change of perspective?





True or False?

What was the main influence on the activity- physical movement had the greatest influence. 

Be deliberate and aware of your actions as they influence those around you.  Be the best 

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