Friday 16 August 2019

Session 4 -Reflections:

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

It was really good today looking over all we have learnt in the last 3 sessions and considering where to next? The statement EQUITY and ACCESS really made me think about the outcomes of education for our tamariki and how we as a kura ensure that they are able to ACCESS the digital technology and that EQUITY is ensured. I would hate for our children to miss out on learning opportunities that could change the course of their lives because their whanau are unable to afford the technology.

Equality            Equity              Justice

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I love the word WORKFLOW and it has really made me WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER.
The reorganisation of my drive and my children's drives will take us to a new place- watch this space.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Im really interested in the learning about using Explain Everything APP. I think this would be BRILLIANT for our new entrant kiddies.

Last but not least, congrats to our colleagues in Tamaki Makaurau who had their last DFI today and sat there LEVEL 1 GOOGLE Exam. 

I loved doing the hangout with Monique and Raquel and hearing about Monique's manaiakalani journey.

Noho ora whanau. Have a fantabulous weekend . Bitmoji Image


  1. Wow Ubby, you truly are the blogging queen... awesome reflections. Hope you don't lose any sleep over the Google Educator exam. You clearly are so proficient in using so many Google platforms, which is really helpful for those of us who do not yet have devices or Sites etc setup. Thanks for providing a great model for me, always happy to share what you are doing.

  2. Kia ora Ubby,
    I love the thinking and plans for integration into your programme.
    I agree access to devices is really important. Equity in this is access is also key. In The Manaiakalani Outreach Programme we are also wanting to partner with whānau in the learning which is why we are asking parents to purchase the device and giving options to do this in a manageable way. This is also a sustainable and scaleable model.
