Sunday 25 August 2019



Had the time this weekend to start researching the Universal Design for Learning. It has me captivated and so I have been reading up a storm to see how this framework could be used to improve learning outcomes in my class and in our school.

The neuroscience behind it makes so much sense and I can really connect to the theory behind UDL. 

To start: The slogan "Design learning to meet the diverse and variable needs of all students in your classroom," really resonates with me. 

This is the introductory video from the Ministry of Education on TKI. 

UDL and the NZC from Ministry of Education on Vimeo.

Neuroscience says we all learn across 3 primary networks in the brain.These are: 

Principles underpinning UDL:

Engagement:  Offering students a range of options to support their interests, motivations and resilience.

Representation:  Presenting information in different ways to help students access and understanding of information.

Action and Expression: Offering students different ways to organise and express their learning.

This really has made me think about my learning environment and if I have designed it so that the diverse learners in my class can be successful. 

Next steps:  Look at creating a survey so that the teachers at our kura can evaluate the effectiveness of the design of their classroom for their learners.


  1. Hi Ubby, the UDL stuff is fascinating alright. I went to a PD session on teenage brain research this year and it was a real eye opener about why the boys are the way they are. Will have to do some more research on all this.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy weekend delving deep into UDL, thanks for sharing, very multimodal!
