Friday 16 August 2019



  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Today I really began to think about what the kids see and would be useful to them in our site. Making it pretty, overloaded or too much visuals may not actually help some of my tamariki in their learning.
Bitmoji Image
I intend to get some student voice around what works for them (when using our site), what they would change about our site and what do they think I could do to help them navigate the site better.


  1. Great call Ubby - to get feedback from the students that is. There was a great slide last week showing the progression of a school website from heaps of text to less to just a couple of buttons - its like pizza toppings - less is more. Let the kids guide it though, then you can't go wrong.

    1. Thanks for this Robbie. Yes.... our learners are quite good at letting us know if something isnt quite right for them.

  2. Kia ora Ubby,
    getting student voice is always a good way to go.
    How did you go with the Digital Dig? I'm not sure how I will remember all those shortcuts - I need a shortcut to shortcuts!
    Did you do a Screencastify? I'd like to see it and what you found interesting about the Cybersmart Curriculum. Is your class covering Smart Relationships this term with Koka Amie?
    Mā te wā

    1. Check the previous post Cheryl. Thought Id do a screencast of how to embed from screencastify- something that Ive been trying to master and that I found useful from the cybersmart curriculum that we looked at on Friday. Yes we are covering the smart relationships and I am wanting to teach my learners how to embed their screencasts onto their blogs so this is going to be really helpful in class. I enjoyed the Digi dig and think that this will be a useful exercise for my colleagues to complete in school. I didnt realise there were so many shortcuts. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
