Friday 20 September 2019


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Today we had Matt from PES join us to share his knowledge and expertise on all thing google/Manaiakalani with us. We animated, used drawings, tried to create self portraits and looked at scratch.

We looked at Digital pepeha.... 

We watched some amazing animations that Dorothy and the DFI cohort in Akl created. They were amazing.

Youtube- making playlists was fun.

We made pick a path stories-  check out mine. Still not finished but I thought I would put it here so that I will finish it.

Matt showed us his team site and some tips and tricks that he has learnt along the way on his teaching journey. Thanks so much Matt. Was great meeting you. 

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And our last task for the day was signing up for our Google exam next week. We seem to be embracing the technology and I feel far more confident about completing this exam now. Good luck to everyone for next week. 

DFI Week 9- The FINAL!

What a day..... Ubiquitous- learning from anywhere, anytime.

Today we looked at what this word means and what it means for our learners.
The ability to be able to learn where ever we may be removes the barriers to learning.
We talked about learners who are sick, need homework and can not be in the classroom- the manaiakalani pedagogy removes the barriers to learning by making the learning rewindable and ubitquitous.

Then we dedicated three (yes 3) LOOOONNNNNNGGGGG hours of our lives to becoming Google Certified Educator Level 1. 

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We did it and now its over. There was some crazy talk going on about doing the level 2 exam..... maybe after a couple of weeks we will be ready to go again. 

Its been a cool 8 weeks spent with some passionate, amazing and hardcase educators. A little worried about sending my son to an unnamed boys school in Gisborne after hearing some of the stories (hehehe) but I know that where ever my kids choose to go to school, we have some awesome, forward thinking, future focussed  teachers here in Tairawhiti. 

Where too next- well I guess I would like to refine and continue to grow the learning that has taken place in the last 8 weeks. Continue to try new ideas and turbocharge the learning in my class. 

Have a good last week for the term and enjoy the break. You all deserve it.

Friday 6 September 2019

DFI -Week 7

This week is Tongan Language. 

Today we looked at Connections made by schools and the manaiakalani pedagogy. 

We looked at MY MAPS- this is so amazing and there are so many ways this can be used in the classroom. 

Forms was fun and can be useful in the classroom. Lots of ideas and uses for this is all areas. 

Filling out each others forms was a lot of fun. Try my form here:
Sheets was next and this was very challenging. I haven't really used sheets much before and I am such a novice so I see this as a challenge. There is so much that can be done with sheets. I might try doing planning in sheets. Raquel gave us an example by showing us how she plans. SO very useful to see how others are doing thing. Thanks Raquel. 

Here is my novice attempt at using sheets. I created a chart from attendance data for my class.
Still trying to get my head around it but practice will help. 
I hope Maria is having a good time riding her camel around Jordan.