Saturday 12 October 2019


Kia orana....

The body is tired but the mind is alive..... Rarotonga you were great.
Last week we embarked on an epic journey to Rarotonga to hear the stories and learn about where our tipuna came from and their voyaging to Aotearoa.
It was amazing.

We learnt about vaka, Paikea from Mauke, Kupe, the great fleet and were welcomed back to our ancestral home.
The group of students who experienced Rarotonga were amazing. They showed manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, awhi and tupono every step of the way. They were patient, curious, engaged, reflective and were ambassadors for our school.
Our visit to API NIKAU school was a highlight for me. We felt like real Cook Islanders, eating cocnut and making pareu and ei.
We went onboard Marumaru Atua (a waka hourua) and were honoured to hear the stories of our tipuna.
We snorkelled with Captain Tamas (glass bottom boat) and journeyed up Ikurangi Maunga to visit a traditional marae and hear the stories of our vaka.

This haerenga has made me rethink what a localised curriculum will look like in 2020 moving forward for our learners in Tairawhiti. With Tuia 250 going on, where to next? What will our stories look like? What have I assumed our learners know about our rohe and what do they actually know? More importantly, how can we share our learning in this digital age?  SO many questions..... Anywho.

Meitaki maata to everyone who supported our haerenga and kaupapa... batteries are recharged and the soul is fed.

Lets do this- TERM 4 here we come!bursting with love